"Basato sull'espansione Version 2 of Bulky Items by Juhana Leinonen."
Include Bulky Items IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Leggi la documentazione originale di Bulky Items di Juhana Leinonen.
Version 2 of Bulky Items IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here. "Basato sull'espansione Version 2 of Bulky Items by Juhana Leinonen." "Bulky items that can be carried only if the player is not carrying anything else." Chapter Definitions A thing can be bulky. A thing is usually not bulky. A thing can be insubstantial. A thing is usually not insubstantial. Definition: a thing is substantial if it is not insubstantial. Chapter Taking bulky items Before taking a bulky thing when the player is carrying something substantial and the player is not carrying the noun (this is the making room before taking a bulky item rule): say "(prima lasci [the list of substantial things carried by the player] per liberarti le mani)[command clarification break]"; repeat with x running through substantial things carried by the player: silently try dropping x; continue the action. Before taking something not bulky when the player is carrying a bulky thing (this is the dropping a bulky item before taking something else rule): say "(prima lasci [the random bulky thing carried by the player] per liberarti le mani)[command clarification break]"; repeat with x running through substantial things carried by the player: silently try dropping x; continue the action. Report taking a bulky thing (this is the bulky item taken rule): say "Hai sollevato [the noun]." instead. Before of taking a bulky thing while multiple taking (this is the can't lift bulky things during take all rule): if the player is carrying a substantial thing: say "Le tue mani sono giĆ impegnate."; stop the action; continue the action. The can't lift bulky things during take all rule is listed first in the before rules. Chapter Multiple taking To decide whether multiple taking: if the player's command includes "tutto", decide yes; if the player's command includes "tutto", decide yes; decide no. Does the player mean taking a bulky thing while multiple taking: it is very unlikely. Bulky Items IT ends here.